39 Writerly Posts Tagged best of
Popular and favourite posts. The greatest hits!

Feb 19, 20 Symlinks finally supported properly by Dropbox (at the expense of handy support for external symlinks)
Jan 15, 18 Chronic Pain and Tragic Irony: I started out helping people with chronic pain and now I have it
Sep 12, 16 A Story of Benzodiazepine Withdrawal Gone Horribly Wrong
Dec 14, 15 A domain move disaster
Oct 19, 15 A rock in my throat: The story of a terrible tonsil stone
Nov 24, 14 Linking as Activism: The surprising political power of linking, when it’s done right
Oct 2, 14 Three good memorization tips
Sep 3, 14 Waves crossing
Jun 26, 14 That’s not my thigh: the chapter with some sex in it (the better to make you click, my dear)
Jun 15, 14 The ultimate discovery
Jun 10, 14 The syrup story: Chapter 5 of my odd success story
May 21, 14 Elite, expensive massage training: Chapter 4 of my odd success story
May 7, 14 Revenge of The Pig! Chapter 3 of my odd success story
Apr 28, 14 Is an expensive waterproof jacket worthwhile? How I finally learned what I needed to know about hard shell jackets by accidentally buying a good one
Apr 24, 14 The Expensive Farm: Chapter 2 of my odd success story
Apr 15, 14 Writer’s Dreams: Chapter 1 of my odd success story
Apr 10, 14 How I make a good living as a writer
Sep 3, 13 Hey, introverts! Small talk isn’t “shallow,” you just suck at it
Aug 14, 13 Spartacus, Andy Whitfield, and when to worry about back pain
Feb 10, 13 The Comfort Kit! An emergency kit for modern living
Feb 3, 13 How & why to link: a super simple guide to good internet linking
Jul 14, 12 Prometheus ★☆☆☆☆ The Alien franchise sinks even lower still
Apr 2, 12 How I lost 25 lbs and why I couldn’t have done it without beer
Mar 15, 12 The myth of the sideline trap in ultimate: Why “trap for one” is a bad idea that usually gets your team broken and scored on
Nov 18, 11 Priority Pie! Graphing procrastination
Nov 14, 11 Three giant Apple displays and how (and why) I manage and use them, especially the brightness problem
Nov 1, 11 Googling Your Brain: How (and why) to build your own everything database
Aug 16, 11 my xkcd picks
Aug 5, 11 A game point, and the best life has to offer
Aug 3, 11 Best and worst of Amsterdam
Jul 15, 11 How I met my wife and she totally thought I was gay
May 22, 11 The grind of entrepreneurship: hyper-vigilant e-business babysitting while on holiday in Amsterdam
Mar 11, 11 I, Pad: The First Year
Feb 6, 11 Anti-intellectual worship of weak “mysteries”
Jan 2, 11 Science Fiction Fans: Lower Your Standards!
Dec 24, 10 The worst that can happen is we can all die in the food riots!
Dec 3, 10 God’s text message
Nov 21, 10 What, Me Worry?
Sep 10, 10 Books are already historical artifacts